Antinous nude statue

1. This bronze sculpture shows Antinous, a famous figure in ancient Rome. The statue is known for its idealized male nude image. The figure in Antinoüs nude statue stands elegantly, with the body slightly turned to one side, showing a typical "opposition" posture. The curly hair is delicately carved, the face is calm and serene, and the overall emanates a sense of tranquility and harmony. The small stump behind supports the statue, making it more stable, the details are finely polished, and the tone of the bronze material gives the statue a sense of heaviness and history.

2. Usage: This Antinoüs nude statue is usually used to commemorate and display the history of ancient Rome. It is suitable for museum exhibitions, private collections or courtyard decorations, and symbolizes the inheritance of beauty and culture.

3. Size: 50cm tall / Customize Size as Your Requirement

4. Advantages: The statue is cast in bronze, which gives it durability and corrosion resistance. The carving is exquisite and the lines are smooth. It can not only show the details of the figure, but also enhance the overall stability of Antinoüs nude statue.

5. We support custom Antinoüs statue according to your size and image, welcome to contact us.

  SKU  ZLL-076
 Size  50cm / Customize Size as Your Requirement
 Material  Resin / Bronze / Aluminum
 Color  It can be customized as you want
 MOQ  1 piece
 Delivery Dater  7-30 days
 Package  Carton with foam mold, it is very strong.
 we also can custom statue in any style, material, size as you want, pls leave your requirement.

Antinoüs was the companion of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, and his image was widely carved and commemorated, especially in bronze statues of this type. The Antinoüs nude statue symbolizes the ancient Romans’ high respect for the aesthetics of the human body. Antinoüs was not only famous for his beauty, but also became an object of worship after his death when he was deified by Hadrian. This Roman Man Sculpture reflects the Roman culture's tendency to deify people. It is an important work of art for studying ancient Roman history and religious beliefs, and also shows the understanding and expression of the beauty of the human body in classical art.

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2) Secure Payment: We usually use Bank Transfers, PayPal, Western Union, Visa and Trade Assurance.

3) Custom orders: We can customize sculpture according to your design, size, material. You can send us your requirement.  

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